metal halide with 14g biocube

Hi, i'm new to the site and also to saltwater, just wanted a quick opinion of people with experience. I have a stock biocube which i've kept going pretty well with 2 clowns, a firefish and 4 peppermint shrimp for 6 months now. I want to step up into the coral game and get a 150 watt Halide with 2-t5 actinics. My question is: Will this be too much for the tiny 14g biocube? Will I need to raise the light a certain height above the tank or will it be ok with just the light stands sitting right on top of the tank. Thanks for any help and insight anyone can provide.

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Heat will be the biggest issue, all the corals will be fine with the PAR, but 14g isnt very much water.
Fans could be of great help, but will cause excessive evaporation, which, if dealt with properly, ~can~ actually be beneficial as you can dose more FW supplements faster. (not that it is always needed or wanted)
Also yes height above the tank can mitigate heat and light acclimation as well, shorter photo period can also do the same.


M.A.S.C Club Member
+2 on what Wicked said...

You can always go the way of LED's, which in ways are superior to MH (my tiny option). However, if you are going to just do softies, zoas and LPS, you will be fine with the stock lights for some time. And if you plan on doing just the said types of corals you may want to do LED's only as they really bring out the colors. But if you want to grow SPS, many SPS'ers prefer MH. I have a 29 gallon BC and have a mixed reef running LEDS and my coral love it. I have been running the LEDs for a few months now and will never go back to the old PC lighting I had.


Butterfly Fish
Im using a 70watt viper Halide on my 12 gallon jbj for about 2 years i run a muffin fan between the tank and lite keeps the temp @ 75 sps coarls seam to like it.