Monti graying out


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So I got this sunburst monti from Gonzo at the Jan. meeting. It has grown pretty well over the months although quite a bit ago it started turning a bit gray in the center where the plug was. It was slow at first but has been spreading more and more. It is still growing but so does the "gray", the polyps still showing but don't think they are really reaching near full extension. Unfortunately it is well encrusted onto the rock now and I cant move it to try another spot. I could likely push the plug out of the center or frag off other pieces and try other spots but would prefer to keep it whole if possible.
Everything else in the tank, even my more difficult sps, are doing great with good color and growth except this one.
All params have been stable for some time now with very little fluctuations although mag and calc have been on the high side (mag 1600, calc 480) for some time now.
Wondering if anyone has had a similar issue, or know what is going on with this thing?
View attachment 19924


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I havent figured out what causes it or how to stop it, but its taken monti cap from me before. The obly thing that worked for me was to break off pieces that dont have any of the gunk on them, dip them in revive or coralrx and move them to another area of the tank. Nothing I tried helped the areas that were already gunked up. I tried dipping in revive, scrubbing with a soft bristle toothbrush, changing flow, and changing light intensity.


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Ya I have tried changing the flow and light on them too, but also havent seen any change with it. Ill try breaking off some of the unaffected areas and place somewhere else. Would like to know the cause of it though so I can avoid it in the future. Have done searches on google but nothing seems to really fit. Some I saw that were close said it might be changes in params like salinity, but most of my numbers have been solid for sometime now, so doesnt make any sense.


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
SynDen;315525 said:
So I got this sunburst monti from Gonzo at the Jan. meeting. It has grown pretty well over the months although quite a bit ago it started turning a bit gray in the center where the plug was. It was slow at first but has been spreading more and more. It is still growing but so does the "gray", the polyps still showing but don't think they are really reaching near full extension. Unfortunately it is well encrusted onto the rock now and I cant move it to try another spot. I could likely push the plug out of the center or frag off other pieces and try other spots but would prefer to keep it whole if possible.
Everything else in the tank, even my more difficult sps, are doing great with good color and growth except this one.
All params have been stable for some time now with very little fluctuations although mag and calc have been on the high side (mag 1600, calc 480) for some time now.
Wondering if anyone has had a similar issue, or know what is going on with this thing?
View attachment 19924
my money is on your alk being off. most likely down in the 6 range.


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Alk sitting at 8.5 currently. Did have a bit of alk swing with the kent salt batches being inconsistent but it never dropped below 7.6


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hmm interesting, hadnt seen that article. Thanks. Will have to see if I can get a K test kit


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
SynDen;315574 said:
hmm interesting, hadnt seen that article. Thanks. Will have to see if I can get a K test kit

Red Sea has a test kit for it. I am sure someone has a test kit in denver that would help you out (I have one but I doubt you want to drive to Fort Collins :p). As for potassium, I just do a couple glugs once a week after a water change and all my coral's colors have been brighter lately. I use the Thrive potassium.

As for picking up some locally, I believe Aquatic Art carries Thrive.


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Ya I was just looking at Red Seas kit, pretty pricey, so If anyone has one they wouldn't mind loaning me Id be grateful.
I do have some Potassium Iodide which I have used from time to time but very sparingly since I dint have a test kit for it, guess I'll try add some small amount to my top off water and see if it helps, but will need to get a test kit in the near future for sure.


Sting ray
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I think I have the Red Sea Potassium and Iodine kits you can borrow.

I agree with Seth though. I am cutting and pasting this from a source from a reefer I respect a lot... "Alkalinity, it is always alkalinity. If not, then its nitrates, or its phosphates, or its pests, or its calcium, or its magnesium, or its salinity, or its your lights or its your skimmer, or its your chiller, or its your heater, or its your reactor or its your dosing pumps or its your dosing, or ....... But it is still probably alkalinity.

It just seems that if you can keep your alkalinity stable, then you understand that everything else also needs to be stable and you understand how to do that as well."

Its a process and I have slowly (very slowly) understood the need for patience and diligence and careful observation - you can test for potassium but if you do monthly water changes, you're likely getting enough. Just my 2 cents at any rate.


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I love this as it's true for me 99.9% of the time

Alkalinity, it is always alkalinity. If not, then its nitrates, or its phosphates, or its pests, or its calcium, or its magnesium, or its salinity, or its your lights or its your skimmer, or its your chiller, or its your heater, or its your reactor or its your dosing pumps or its your dosing, or ....... But it is still probably alkalinity.


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dr.HarlemTutu;315583 said:
I love this as it's true for me 99.9% of the time

Alkalinity, it is always alkalinity. If not, then its nitrates, or its phosphates, or its pests, or its calcium, or its magnesium, or its salinity, or its your lights or its your skimmer, or its your chiller, or its your heater, or its your reactor or its your dosing pumps or its your dosing, or ....... But it is still probably alkalinity.

yup thats what was happening to my monti was because my calcium reactor died. And thinking about it it would take 2-3 months without water changes to deplete the potassium low enough to starting to damage the monti. (assuming you have 2-3 montis that are 4x4 in size)