moving tanks


M.A.S.C Club Member
So I am going to be getting a new tank soon and I have no idea how I am going to keep everything alive and healthy during the move. I will have to add more sand and rock to the new tank any ideas on how to complete this with out losing my live stock???


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What size is the current and new tank?
Are they going in the same location?
How much sand and live rock are you adding?

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Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Success will have a lot to do with size difference, time spent in, and stability during the transition. The most important factors will be temp and O2.


M.A.S.C Club Member
the current tank is a 55 and a 15 the new is a 110 i have rock and sand in both say about 70-80lbs along with a few drying pieces a i will be adding around 50-60 more lbs of mixed dry and live rock. The sand i am unsure of the amount i have both tanks have about 2-3in of sand so i figured a few more buckets....50 or so lbs. The tanks are both going to be in the same location so maybe a 20foot move.


M.A.S.C Club Member
i can keep all of the water if needed but is adding all this new rock and sand going to kick off a cycle? is it better to add dry rock and dead sand instead of live rock and sand?


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I would 't move the sand. I'd also cook the new rock in buckets for a few weeks with some rock or sand from the existing tank to jump start it. You could also do that I. The new tank before the transfer.


M.A.S.C Club Member
ok is there any reason not to use the old sand?? and do you recommend "cooking" the new rock even if i get live rock? For the live stock i was planning on putting them in buckets with maybe a oxygen line in it. intell i got everything into the new tank and then filling the 55 back up with water and keeping them in the empty55 with some pvc to hide in while the 11o cycles, does that sound ok?


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Cooking the rock is just an extra precaution. I mover the sand from one tank to another and it caused a nasty cycle. I think it was from disturbing the layers. If you are keeping the livestock in the old 55 while things settle I think you will be fine. The cycle in my tank was quick but I did loose a yellow tang and my coral was really ****ed for a while. Your plan sounds good to me. Maybe some others will chime in if I am missing anything.
After I moved up from a 72 to a 150 the one redo I wish I had was not using my old sand. I would have used 3-4 cups is all. I then heard a lot of the same stories. It took me about 5 hours to empty the 72, move it out of the way and put the 150 in its spot and fill it and hook everything up.
If you want to have everything waiting in the55 for the 110 to cycle, just remove the rock and keep every thing else in it. I would do a normal water change and dump the old in the new. When the tank is settled for awhile then dump fish and all the old water into new tank


M.A.S.C Club Member
ok so can you use like sand from Homedepot? if not any body have dry sand i can buy? also can i after i transfer everything to the new tank dry out and wash all the sand and add it to the tank?