My Heaters have been stuck on


Registered Users
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I just found out that I accidentally triggered my Heater outlet on my Apex to be "ON" instead of "AUTO". This changed happened back on 4/4. I just realized my tank has been at 85 degree's for almost 3 weeks. I am surprised nothing has died, no signs of stress, no signs of anything wrong (except me, for not paying attention to my controller).

I am slowly bringing the temp back to the 78-79 degree range I normally keep it at.

This explains why I had been evaporating a lot of water recently also.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: My Heaters have been stuck on

Hell my nano tank ran 85 during the summers for three years In a row

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Registered Users
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yea. I thought the 3 heaters in my tank were tuned a little better. They each have an individual thermometer (which we all know are not very accurate). So I turned them down, so if they do get stuck on again, should only have the tank around 80.

Luckily it did not bring the tank up over 90.
Re: My Heaters have been stuck on

I wouldn't worry to much my nem tank runs at 78 to 82 and they love it never had any prob

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Re: My Heaters have been stuck on

Haven't had any prob with my Nems they rang between 6 to prob 12 in in diam

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CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: My Heaters have been stuck on

Glad all is ok Derek!!!!

Andy how come you don't run that high any more?