Need a quick id


M.A.S.C Club Member
so im rearranging the aquascape in the nano 10g. so as im doing this... i go "hey lemme c what pods ive acquired so far(ill show a FTS and what not later). i see pods in the fuge area, i see pods on the rocks... no biggie. then i see this mother f****r. its no kidding almost half an inch long. 6 legs as i can count and a tail. so someone please please please tell me im a complete idiot and this isnt a freaking mantis shrimp baby... watch the video and pics to come and see what you think. but someone tell me what this is...


M.A.S.C Club Member
heres some iphone pics of the front side. note the front claws... i have a spearer mantis in my main system in the fuge is where he resides to his peaceful self. but nonetheless.... these arms look identical. and btw. He lives between the baffles of the DIY overflow i made...


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Looks like a mantis to me he looks pretty awesome!! If you don't want him I'd be more then willing to give him a home after I get my pea**** mantis in a bigger tank.


M.A.S.C Club Member
FTS and the DIY fuge area on the left. tanks really cloudy cuz like i said... just rearranged aquascape. but he lives in those baffles, hasnt ventured to the top and all i see him eating are other small pods, and to be honest, upon real close inspection, it looks as though theres a molted shell inside the baffles just smaller than the size of this "thing". there is however another one i see running around in the fuge, although that one is almost all dark brown/green and this one is yellow. same size though and same features as far as the "claws" on the front


M.A.S.C Club Member

so again, iphone shots because the wifey took the camera for the day. it is a side angle this time (sorry for algae... its such a tight crevice i cant get anything down in there... i was going to black it out but thought "hey maybe i wanna see how many pods i have in there" so i left it. but here i think u can see in the 2nd pic the semi mantis claws


M.A.S.C Club Member
after all the pics and what not... ill try to get more tonight, the light will kick off on this tank soon, but i shined a flash light in and there seems to be 2 of the brown/green ones and they dont like light and burrow when shined on, so ill see tonight and about more pictures, but what am i looking at for possibilities? Mantis shrimp? large Amphipod?


Cleaner Shrimp
Need a quick id

Hard to tell. I think it's just a ginormous amphipod. I have a couple of bruisers in my sump that look similar.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Smokey;242145 said:
Hard to tell. I think it's just a ginormous amphipod. I have a couple of bruisers in my sump that look similar.
im hoping thats all it is, but with 3 of them im starting to really question it.

ialtalal;242147 said:
What's the fish next to clown?

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Orange Honey Damsel


M.A.S.C Club Member
on a side note, idk if that matters, this tank was started 1 month ago. The chaeto from my fuge in the main system with the mantis was all that was added to this tank that had ever seen a mantis. rock was dry, sand was dry, and water was from my main system. corals have all been dipped and added


M.A.S.C Club Member
so under those pics and under a night time light, the yellow one pictured earlier, has burried himself under some chaeto and sand, however the 2 dark ones that are out do look like that. yellow is on the fence because the pics dont show it clear earlier, but i swear to you, if my damn camera woulda focused, i can see the 2 claws with the points on the underside. kid you not... it acts, swims, (even saw it attack a pod) and attacks like my mantis in my sump