Blazinjack;175786 said:
The sump you have pictured would require a submersible, from what I can see. It would go in the left chamber. However if that's acrylic, which it looks as though it is, it would be really easy to drill a hole in the side and put a bulkhead in and then have an external pump. That would leave more room in the sump for other items (ie. a skimmer could sit there)
That would be the ideal situation but if not you can run an internal pump with an external skimmer. Blazinjack is correct though more space the better in the sump for a nice refugium, heaters, other pumps, some additional live rock etc. My biggest piece of advice is research research research and read read read. This hobby requires a ton of dedication at first in particular. When I had questions, rather then asking, I just typed in the question to the below forums and got treasure troves worth of good info as well as thousands of reviews and opinions on techniques & equipment.The search button is your friend. The more you can learn about the husbandry of these creatures and the the less money you will waste and the happier your tank will be. Take'r slow and soak up the knowledge. In this hobby knowledge equals less frustration and more money in your pocket...oh and a beautiful thriving ocean in your living room
Check out these links:
It says Nano but its a GIANT community and they have an excellent FS section and for new folks this is a great place to use the "Search" button. You'll find hundreds of answers to any possible question you may have! EXCELLENT resource but triple check the always when it comes to forums.
Another great one we all use. Reef 2 Reef - Great group of pros and newbies. Again utilize the search feature to answer all your questions. Excellent resource as well for parts.
I buy damn near all if not all my new stuff from Marine Depot. So far best pricing and excellent customer service. Used them for years! You'll be hard pressed to find anyone who can beat their prices.
I buy my Live Rock or Dry Rock from these guys. Most people are doing Dry Rock nowadays for ocean sustainability reasons but if you want actual Live Rock these guys are hands down the best and their rock is bitchin. Their Marco Key Dry Rock is great too and priced right. Also no minimums on your rock order. Been using them for years.
The BEST Cleanup Crew (CUC) website around. Reef - Ask anyone. They are the best for all your snails,hermits etc unless you buy locally.
Finally as far as local coral/hardware guys and LFS here in Colorado there are plenty! Everyone I've met thus far has been absolutely amazing and insanely helpful.
If you scroll down to the bottom of our forum page you'll see multiple listings for the different LFS and local guys who sell from their homes/warehouses etc.
Good luck with everything and welcome to the wonderfully addicting hobby we call reefing

If you have questions just PM me! Take Care -- Trevor