Need advise


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Awesome hobby, but not my job. I have a 125gl RR. I have some coral and clams 6 fish. Lights R EVO LED. My question is, What is the size of return pump I should be using so I can have better flow back into my tank. Also I have a power head on each end of my tank and what GPH sould I be using. Please advise. corals are mostly soft:confused:


Butterfly Fish
You don't need high turnover (allows skimmer to pull more) id say go with an mp40 for flow, if your budget allows that should be plenty with softies.


M.A.S.C Club Member
for softies and most lps medium to low flow seems to be the normal but every system is different. For return flow the norm is 5X-10X total water volume. you would also need to account for head loss. if it was my system i would purchase a return pump rated for 10x total water volume and after the head loss you might be looking at 5X-7X turnover rate. i would look at something like the Mag 12 . if you really want to get and accurate head loss use the evil empires head loss calculator .