Need Aptasia help


Butterfly Fish
I need some help. I did a water change on Friday and then I found Aptasia. I used Aptasia X and litteraly killed about 25-30. Sunday I woke up and found so many more. I stopped counting at 50. What can I use? I had pepermint shrimp ( I only saw them once). Any help would be appreciated. I found a zoa colony that one has grown in. How do I get rid of that without killing the corals??
I also read something about Berghia Nudibranch anyone know where I could get this?​


M.A.S.C Club Member
Have chad come over and kill em with his sweet laser

Haulin Oates

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Need Aptasia help

Elite has a berghia Nudibranch tank. I believe they are selling some, but you'd need quite a few to eat that many. Also then the die off after they ate them all could compromise your water quality. I think you should get your hands on a laser, or a zapping stick (ask elite to show you theirs) or you can remove the rocks and let them dry in the sun.


M.A.S.C Club Member
only peppermint shrimp from the atlantic will eat aiptasia.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
You're all the way in the Springs, but as Jack mentioned, Elite Reef in Westminster (Wadsworth and 84th) does sell them. I know I've seen them for sale on line here and there, but from what I've heard they typically don't ship too well.


Registered Users
M.A.S.C Club Member
I like to use Waterweld and putty over them. one of the best fool proof ways to make sure they die and dont spread, but hard to do if you have so many.