Need Help with ich Fish


Turbo Snail
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hello everyone i have a little problem with one of my fish in my bio cube 14 last week i was so dumb that i purchase a royal gramma from petco and now I see it scraping his body on the rocks for the last couple of days and now I see all kind of white spot on his body. I am worry about my tank having a ich breakout because I have a clown and a firefish that have been in the tank for more then 4 month. Please help

Haulin Oates

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I've had really good luck with Kordon Ich Attack... It's completely reef safe. I've used it twice in my tank without much Ill effect. My corals obviously were unhappy, but always came back after the treatment was done.

Haulin Oates

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'd be more worried if they were Stoney's. I didn't lose a single coral when treated. I had several zoas, and some LPS. They all looked unhappy, but all colonies came back after treatment was over. I treated for 2 weeks at a time, and saved a yellow tang, and both my clowns that were visibly showing signs of Ick. The second time I had more coral than the first and again lost none, however I did end up losing the yellow tang the second time, but that was after finally quarantining her and treating with copper for 2 weeks. I later found out I overdosed copper in the QT and put too much stress on her. The rest of the tank did just fine after Kordons, and it's been a year since an Ich occurrence in my tank (knock on wood!).