Need to convince the wife... help me out

First off, just want to say hello again. I sold my tank just as the club was moving this forum from RC, which had to have been 5 or 6 years ago. I've got the itch again, but the wife needs details (darn money) before I tear into the house. Here is what I'm looking to do.

Build a 60 gallon cube into the wall/closet.
Plumb down to the basement for fuge.
Light the thing for some SPS.

My questions are...

What brand of pumps are people buying these days? I have about 7 to 8 vertical ft to pump water up. I would also like the return powerful enough so I didn't have to have any PH in DT.

Any recomendations on where to buy 60 gallon cube? I found these.

Lighting? People are using LEDs these days?

With that, here is a rough idea of how the tank would look in the closet/wall.



Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wow that's going to look great. As for leds...what's your budget range? Also that rimless is your best bet IMO. Built in overflows would be nice.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
What budget are you hoping to stick within?


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M.A.S.C Club Member
Not sure you will get away with no ph in the dt. Problem being you don't want to turn the tank over more than 10 times an hour. So powerful return means more turn over. Sps needs high flow so you will need a power head. You could do 1 tunze or 1 mp40. Lighting just depends on what you want. If heat will be an issue than go led but it's pricey. I personally rub ai sols on both my tanks. Do you want internal or external pump for the return?
reefmaster719;185798 said:
Wow that's going to look great. As for leds...what's your budget range? Also that rimless is your best bet IMO. Built in overflows would be nice.
cdrewferd;185800 said:
What budget are you hoping to stick within?
Still trying to figure that out. I'd rather buy the right equip the first time instead of buying twice. If I had to throw a number in the air, I'd like to stay around $1,500 (sump, skimmer, LR, sand, tank, lights, everything).

09bumblebee;185801 said:
Not sure you will get away with no ph in the dt. Problem being you don't want to turn the tank over more than 10 times an hour. So powerful return means more turn over. Sps needs high flow so you will need a power head. You could do 1 tunze or 1 mp40. Lighting just depends on what you want. If heat will be an issue than go led but it's pricey. I personally rub ai sols on both my tanks. Do you want internal or external pump for the return?
Gotcha. I'm fine with one PH. Heat shouldn't be an issue. House has AC and there is no direct sun hitting the tank. The sump in the basement should help cool things a bit too. I don't care if its internal or external. Also, something to think about is I can double if not triple water volume with tank in basement.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Well 2 ai's will run you 700. Used 500. Return 2-300 tank 2-3 so your already at your limit. T5's would be the way to go but you have to change bulbs every year. You Probly get away with 2 of the Chinese LEDs which are a lot cheaper. You could also put the powerhead on the back wall so your not seeing it on the sides.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
A 60 cube is only 24x24x24 right? I would say if you got reefkois 150w dimmable evolution led for $400 you would be more than fine. Not only do I believe they are awesome lights and own 3 of them, but he also local and a vendor in here. That way if you have any issues under his 2 yr warranty you can deal with it right here in Denver. As far as rock and corals, this is still the same old club! There are more than enough people on here to get you hooked up with those at a bargin price! If your ok with used returns, there are more than a few guys in here selling large pumps that would be more than able to carry 9' of head.

All of this of course comes with the label imo :)
Is the tank going to be completely inwall with just the front showing? also you said wall/closet so the back of the tank will be in the closet? what is under the wall the tank is going in ?

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09bumblebee;185805 said:
Well 2 ai's will run you 700. Used 500. Return 2-300 tank 2-3 so your already at your limit. T5's would be the way to go but you have to change bulbs every year. You Probly get away with 2 of the Chinese LEDs which are a lot cheaper. You could also put the powerhead on the back wall so your not seeing it on the sides.
I think I should be fine with one AI strip. They say they cover a 24x24 area, which are the exact dimensions of a 60 gallon cube. What return would you suggest? I was looking at a Mag 24. Using the flow calculator, it would give me around 800 gph flow rate. My math is as follows...

$350 tank
$400 AI SOL
$200 Mag 24
$200 Skimmer (used)

That sound reasonable? Whats your input?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Yea absolutely. You can find used ai's for around and sometimes under 300 with less than 6 months of use. Don't forget a controller they are 75 (for the ai) your welcome to come see my ai's and how they work. I have the white and the blue version on my tanks.

Sounds like you have it all figured out. Used skimmers are not a problem. You can find a really nice one Probly local from the forum.
CRW Reef;185807 said:
A 60 cube is only 24x24x24 right? I would say if you got reefkois 150w dimmable evolution led for $400 you would be more than fine. Not only do I believe they are awesome lights and own 3 of them, but he also local and a vendor in here. That way if you have any issues under his 2 yr warranty you can deal with it right here in Denver. As far as rock and corals, this is still the same old club! There are more than enough people on here to get you hooked up with those at a bargin price! If your ok with used returns, there are more than a few guys in here selling large pumps that would be more than able to carry 9' of head.

All of this of course comes with the label imo :)
Thanks for the input. You're correct. 24x24x24. I like buying local, so will definitely check it out. What brand/size of pump should I be looking at?
freedominco;185808 said:
Is the tank going to be completely inwall with just the front showing? also you said wall/closet so the back of the tank will be in the closet? what is under the wall the tank is going in ?
Front showing... the closet is 28in deep, 60in wide and 7ft tall, so there would be decent working room/ventilation. As for whats under the tank, I tiled the floor a few years back. Below that is the basement, where I would house the fuge.
09bumblebee;185810 said:
Yea absolutely. You can find used ai's for around and sometimes under 300 with less than 6 months of use. Don't forget a controller they are 75 (for the ai) your welcome to come see my ai's and how they work. I have the white and the blue version on my tanks.

Sounds like you have it all figured out. Used skimmers are not a problem. You can find a really nice one Probly local from the forum.
I'll be on the lookout for a set. I'm gona check out reefkois systems though too. I would love to stop by, but Aurora is like driving to Kansas for me. If I'm over that way though maybe.

Hoping to find a skimmer on someone's tear down. People ever score decent ones (Aqua C) on craigs?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I hate to say it but reef central there is always tons and tons of stuff 4 sale. There's guys closer to you that run ai's and reef koi's lights to. Sometimes there is some nice stuff on Craig's. We have a post called deal of the day guys will post stuff they found on Craig's.

Check out vertex skimmers they are great and affordable. I run the vertex in-250 and it's been awesome for 2 yrs now.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a Mag 24 for sale. PM me if interested.


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Butterfly Fish
Wow, nice! Is it gonna be 2 or 3 sided?


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Go with ai sol blues (if within your budget). Especially with a inwall setup... Less likely to have problems in future and there kicka** lights.