Never Forget

This day 11 years ago we as a country experienced the worst tragedy ever witnessed on American soil we lost 2,752 family members, moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles, brothers sisters cousins and friends. Those so called religious extremists took a hell of a lot from us that day but the one thing they didn’t take was OUR PRIDE AND AMERICAN SPIRIT. They thought they broke us but ... really they brought America closer together, nothing can ever break the Red White and Blue NOTHING. You might have known someone in the towers or on the planes or maybe you didn’t, but I think we all felt the same anger and sadness no matter color race or creed. Sadly we are still losing our fellow brothers and sisters over in the Middle East but at least we are taking these terrorist bastards down with us.

So I’m taking this moment to remember all the lives the were lost that day and say THANKS to all the troops that are risking their lives for our freedom and THANKS to all the men and women of the military, law enforcement, fire department and any other public service keeping us safe from threats both domestic and foreign.

Even with everything else going on right now in the world, the oil spills and hurricanes, the untimely and horrible placement of a mosque (another story for another time) the only worsening economy that we can hope should turn around soon, the fires in Boulder and California. All the miners both her as well as in Chile. Plus all the other issues affecting the country at this time, we have all stuck together and not used these issues as a crutch, we have only done what we can to better ourselves and better our communities that just shows the strength of this nation!.

“This is my country I proudly fly the Red White and Blue, I shall never shun my lady liberty, I will die before I don’t give thanks for the Freedom won for me. God bless America, God bless our troops, and God bless FREEDOM!

-Mike Prasad


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well said Mike.
It belongs to a WWII memorial, however it's always stuck with me, and I find it appropriate for the brave men and women who died giving all they could to save others this day.

"Forever engraved upon the hearts of a grateful people are these names of our brave sons and daughters who made the supreme sacrafice their final payment on the price of our freedom".


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I was at Ground Zero a few weeks ago. It is a must see and very bone chilling and sad. But I too am proud to be an american and give thanks to those that put themselves in harms way every day. here are some pics that I took while there.



Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well said.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Here is the flag of honor with every american that lost there lives on the day of 9-11-01. I hope that you don't mind me adding the few pics to your thread.

Ya I went to ground zero years ago I think it was '03 or '04 but I havent been there since all the monuments were built is for sure on my list to make it out there soon.....

Thank you for sharing those pictures lots of awesome pieces of work


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
That is a beautiful flag, thanks for posting this Mike. I vividly remember every part of that morning from talking to my wife about how a plane might have accidentally crashed into the world trade center building. To watching in disbelief and horror with my coworkers when the second plane hit. Never forget....