new fish and cuc specials on hand

Ambrosio Aquatics

M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
On hand live stock

prices are per fish

  1. Green Chromis – $3 pending

  1. Yellowtail Blue Damsel -$3.50
  2. Aiptasia Eating File -$20 pending
  3. Dragon (Red Bug Eater) Pipefish – $27
  4. Powder Blue Tang – 3.5″ $49
  5. 2 Blue hippo Tang, $38
  6. 2 Sailfin Tang $28
  7. Disappearing Wrasse; Haw. – $35 great for reef pest control
  8. Bubble Anem: green- L $35
  9. Bubble Anem: Rose $45
  10. 3 Pom Pom Crab – $10
  11. CUC SPECIAL 15 ASTREA,10MARGARITA 5 Nassarius snails 20 red leg reef hermits and 2 emerald crabs for $50
  12. Emerald Crab $5
  13. Nassarius snails large$2
  14. Red Leg Reef Hermit; Pac. $1
  15. -Astrea Snail; Atl – $1
  16. Margarita Turbo Snail – Turbo sp. $1
  17. male adult banana wrasse $65
  18. DaVinci Ocellaris Grade B A. ocellaris $55 2qty
  19. Snowflake Ocellaris A. ocellaris – SALE $40 1qty
  20. False Percula Clownfish A. ocellaris $12 (2 for $20)
  21. Dottybacks 1 ¼ inch 1 ½ inch 1 ¾ inch
  22. Sunrise Dottyback P.flavivertex $28 1qty
  23. Elegant Dottyback P. elongatus $28 1qty
  24. Springeri Dottyback P.springeri $28 1qty

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Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Put me down for one CUC and 2 pom pom crabs, confirm you got em and I'll shoot you a paypal...