New tang in hiding


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I got a new, adorable desjardini sailfin tang from Elite on Saturday. I acclimated him slowly, temp acclimation then drip over the course of several hours. When I first released him into the tank, he seemed fine; he was swimming around, checking things out and even eating some algae that's growing on the rocks. He ate when I fed that night, too. Over the next couple of days though, he's kept mainly to the back of my rockwork inside caves. Finally, starting two days ago, he found a tiny cave on the edge of my tank and I have rarely seen him venture out since. There is no aggression in my tank; the other inhabitants are a firefish and two black oscellarus clowns. Is there anything I can do to get him to come out more? He looks like he's been eating, since he's put on a little fat since the store, but should I be worried about him?


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Give it a few days, make sure he is eating. Do you have an algae clip? You can be feed him some green marine algea on the clip and see if he is eating that.



Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have been feeding him organic unbaked nori, and I think that he's been eating. I am growing chaeto and fern calupera in my fuge, would one of those be better?


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I used Garlic for mine. Same situation done great for theh first 2 days then went into hiding. on about the 5th day, i was going to return him to lfs where i purchased at let them get him back to health. Prior to catching him, he began swiming around as if nothing had ever been un normal. He now think he ownes the tank. I cant explain but above comments are correct just give it a few days and try the garlic. Mine was a Blonde Naso and he now eats right out of my hand and is very colrful and healthy.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Please help! I've tried live macro, dried nori, nori soaked in garlic, and broccoli. He's come out of hiding a little more but when he does he gets buffeted by the currents and returns to a cave. He's currently leaning on a piece of live rock. I really don't want him to die! What should I do?