I got a new, adorable desjardini sailfin tang from Elite on Saturday. I acclimated him slowly, temp acclimation then drip over the course of several hours. When I first released him into the tank, he seemed fine; he was swimming around, checking things out and even eating some algae that's growing on the rocks. He ate when I fed that night, too. Over the next couple of days though, he's kept mainly to the back of my rockwork inside caves. Finally, starting two days ago, he found a tiny cave on the edge of my tank and I have rarely seen him venture out since. There is no aggression in my tank; the other inhabitants are a firefish and two black oscellarus clowns. Is there anything I can do to get him to come out more? He looks like he's been eating, since he's put on a little fat since the store, but should I be worried about him?