no flow through fuge for a week. No heat, no circulation! Yikes!


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
So when i did my water change last week i forgot to turn the pump back on that feeds my fuge with fresh water. so its been sitting stagnant for a week or so. No heat, and no circulation. it has had light. So i was going to just plug it back in when i noticed it but thought that the cold water coming in to my display from there wasnt good. than i started thinking about the water quality of the fuge being stagnant and gross. So i think im just gonna drain and replace as much water as i can in the fuge with fresh saltwater. Do you think there will be any die of that i should worry about affecting my water in the display. I have alot of sps that im kinda worried about? any thoughts would be awesome


M.A.S.C Club Member
Have you tested the water in your fuge to see if it's started it's own cycle from anything that has died from the cold and stagnant water?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
If it were me I would completely drain down the fuge and replace the sand. I wouldn't risk my DT due to a fuge error. Stagnant water (even worse, stagnant sand) for 24 hours can be bad news let alone a week. I am overly cautious though.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ive done that before.....I just started mine back up and prayed for the best. Never had an issue. Ive done this multiple times without issues.

Sent from my C771


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
I did this when I first set up the 180, IT WAS BAD NEWS. There was so much ammonia and Nitrate in the water is spiked my tank, took 2 weeks to get it back to normal, lost a few SPS in the process, was not happy and wished I would have just drained it.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
i drained it and filled it with brand new fresh saltwater. started it back up and everything seems to be just fine now.