No grow wth

Hello my zoa colines have STOPED gowing completely as a matter of fact everything in my tank has stoped growing ...

Tank is as follows :
75 g 30 gallon fug 4 chamber with Live sand and mangrove and LR rubble
Tunze 700gph return pump
2 hydor 750 gph circ pumps
1 hob return line with 1 1/2 line down to fug
current nova extrem 6 bulb 20k and 14 k and antic bulbs all ATI bulbs on for 8 hours antics are on for 9 half hour before and after
aqua medic skimmer rated for the size

Tank preamiters appare to be normal
bi- weekly water changes (10%) have moved to weekly
i use kent salt
i feed coral frenzy 2-3 times a week
decent clean up crew
snails hermits and a sand star

ANY HELP would be appreactied


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Please list your parameters, "appear" to be OK and actually being OK may be 2 different things.
If your PH, ALk, nitrates and phosphates are normal:
1. Your PH and ALK may be dropping dramatically at night (been through this. careful kalwasser dosing is the answer)
2. There is too much co2 in your house and the tank is not properly oxygenated
3. Your magnesium may be low
4. Your bulbs are old
5. Your water level is not constant (a good ato is a must have for a stable reef)
6. Your ro/di filters are exhausted

and lastly I think you need more flow. Tons of flow is not just good for SPS. All corals love flow. Add a WP-40 to the mix and I bet those corals will take off again.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
What did your perams check out to be?


How old are your bulbs? Do you have central air? Is your house closed up all day? How much variance in tank temp throughout day? When you say "stopped growing", what are you comparing to? Do your corals have colors or are they all browned out or bleached? Are you having algae issues?

IMO 2 of the 750's in a reef are by far not enough flow in a 75, although, that may be just my opinion as i had a 55g with 3 koralia 1400 and an mp40 full blast and i didnt think that was enough flow...