So I got a cheap green bubble tip medium sized anemone the other day because my friend was never going to hook me up with one of his and I've really been wanting a nem.
Anyway it's weird and stays tucked to the rock and just looks like bubbles on a rock no tentacles stretching. But I put it next to my clowns that I believe are paired one of them the bigger one or pudge started hosting the nem but my other one just looks at him like he's crazy will he learn to do the same or will he always sit and stare?
Anyway it's weird and stays tucked to the rock and just looks like bubbles on a rock no tentacles stretching. But I put it next to my clowns that I believe are paired one of them the bigger one or pudge started hosting the nem but my other one just looks at him like he's crazy will he learn to do the same or will he always sit and stare?