Pair of clowns and hosting a nem


M.A.S.C Club Member
So I got a cheap green bubble tip medium sized anemone the other day because my friend was never going to hook me up with one of his and I've really been wanting a nem.

Anyway it's weird and stays tucked to the rock and just looks like bubbles on a rock no tentacles stretching. But I put it next to my clowns that I believe are paired one of them the bigger one or pudge started hosting the nem but my other one just looks at him like he's crazy will he learn to do the same or will he always sit and stare?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Give it'll take to the nem eventually, especially with the other clown in there now. My clowns took a while and acted the same way; one was definitely braver than the other.


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Ya takes them sometime usually. I have had a nem in my tank for like 3 months now and my black occelaris finally has just stared showing some interest in the nem, although hasnt started hosting it yet, but he has been checking it out more and more. The other clown though still hasnt even looked at the nem and pretends it doesnt even exist.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm pretty sure that the other clown is racist.

Vdubjetta01;308360 said:
So I got a cheap green bubble tip medium sized anemone the other day because my friend was never going to hook me up with one of his and I've really been wanting a nem.

Anyway it's weird and stays tucked to the rock and just looks like bubbles on a rock no tentacles stretching. But I put it next to my clowns that I believe are paired one of them the bigger one or pudge started hosting the nem but my other one just looks at him like he's crazy will he learn to do the same or will he always sit and stare?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Nah...if it was racist it'd kick the other clown out of the nem and force it to go live downstairs in the sump :p


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
No...just escalating the metaphor in hopes of making someone slightly uncomfortable lol


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Following along as I just added a bubble tip and my oc clowns won't go near it


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Try feeding the clowns with a turkey baster...blow food toward the nem and force them to get a little friendly with it. Worked for me; my nems were being ignored by the clowns until I coaxed them to get a little closer by feeding over my nem.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yup. Do the food thing! Im pretty sure mine didn't even know what an anemone was. I have one in the corner of my tank and one night I left a light on in that corner. Over night the clowns went to the light and felt the nem squishiness and have since found my other one as well!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Jeremiah;308389 said:
I'm pretty sure that the other clown is racist.
Lol one is a b&w the other is a normal false perc.

Try feeding the clowns with a turkey baster...blow food toward the nem and force them to get a little friendly with it. Worked for me; my nems were being ignored by the clowns until I coaxed them to get a little closer by feeding over my nem.
That's a good idea, the one that won't host takes food from my hand so I'll give that a try. Thanks guys.


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SkyDiv3r17;308514 said:
Yup. Do the food thing! Im pretty sure mine didn't even know what an anemone was. I have one in the corner of my tank and one night I left a light on in that corner. Over night the clowns went to the light and felt the nem squishiness and have since found my other one as well!
Hmm that not a bad idea I might have to try that. I have tried the food thing, I always feed near the nem, or rather the nem took up residence right where I feed, but the clowns still ignore it.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Update feeding my smaller clown near the nem did work. He doesn't really cruise on it during the day but he tries to sleep in it at night. But my bigger clown beats him up out of it and he'll go back to the corner until he tries again but he is sleeping in it! I guess time will tell doesn't help my nem is split.