Grade B Picasso (male)
One standard Perc (female)
I'm out of room (clownfish coming out of my ears) so this pair needs to go. I've had them for a year now in my quarantine system. They are close to spawning age. They are super friendly (eat right out of my hand), well quarantined, and get along with other fish. They currently share my 10 gallon (way too small) quarantine system with a blue damsel. They were in a larger 40gallon quarantine system until a week ago when I got another clown pair.
Lowering price to $40
One standard Perc (female)
I'm out of room (clownfish coming out of my ears) so this pair needs to go. I've had them for a year now in my quarantine system. They are close to spawning age. They are super friendly (eat right out of my hand), well quarantined, and get along with other fish. They currently share my 10 gallon (way too small) quarantine system with a blue damsel. They were in a larger 40gallon quarantine system until a week ago when I got another clown pair.
Lowering price to $40
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