yes - I have LEDs over the tank and a t5 fixture over the sump. The L.E.D.s are dim-able 20k Evolution 150s. I have 3 of them which are only 7 months old and still under transferable local 2 year warrantee. I'd be looking for $1000 OBO for those (total). The t5 will go with whoever buys the 70 gallon sump. None of the equipment is ready to sell yet as there are still coral and fish that need to go before break down. Most fish have been spoken for but still plenty of frags to go.
I'd do:
$2000 for everything with the rest of the corals and live rock and lights.
or $1750 for everything but corals
or $800 for turn key system without LEDs and corals
or $650 without Pump ($300 pump) LEDs and corals
yuppers - i put up a new one but haven't updated this ad with that link yet - only had like 1 or 2 pics on the new one... wouldn't let me do the old one again after it was flagged :-(