Peppermint shrimp question

I was thinking about getting a couple of peppermint shrimp to hopefully help with aptasia. I already have a blood shrimp, will they get along alright? 45 gallon tank.


M.A.S.C Club Member
You would have to get one pretty much the same size as the one your have. I put a smaller cleaner in mine and he ate him
That's what I thought. Unfortunately the blood shrimp is pretty big. I've never seen a peppermint shrimp that big. Thanks


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
The cleaner shrimp was more than likely on its way out anyways. It's extremely rare that the fire shrimp would attack and eat a healthy cleaner shrimp. You should be fine with the peps and fire shrimp together.
I usually don't like peppermint shrimp, everyone says they're reef safe, but in my previous tank they tore polyps off of my SPS corals,and ate my zoanthids. I've had really good luck with an Aiptasia eating filefish, he took care of my Aiptasia problem on day one.