Peppermints did their job for me

After watching aptasia start to consume my nano 28 gallon (30 plus nasty things), Stuart suggested some peppermint shrimps. I've read good and bad about success with them, about how they need to be starved to attack, that they only eat the baby ones. Decided to put 5 in and hoped for the best. 48 hours later I'm down to one decent size one. I am very happy! They even got the big ones and the ones in the middle of my zoa's. They may not have all did their part but that's ok with me. I'll give them a couple more days to finish up. Didn't starve the tank at all. Thanks Stuart! :cool:
Dang....! Just put a couple of acans in Friday. Ok, operation get rid of peppermint begins! So far they are fine but sounds like it can turn quickly. Thanks for the heads up.
Why no acans? I have one that has been growing fine and I have two peppermint shrimps and I have not ha any problems for about a year now and havent had any problems (knock on wood lol). What can't the two go together?

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
9 out of 10 peps prefer a nice expensive lord!!
also copperband butterfly
leather jacket filefish
kleins butterfly
raccoon butterfly
anything that is supposed to eat aiptasia will likely eat your lords first.
Does this mean if I have cheap ones I am safe?! :) Have you had peppermints go after anything else? I suppose it is time to fashion a trap and try to get them out? Do they bother zoa's or clove polyps? Wondering if they can go in my JBJ 12. Thanks, Jim


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wicked Demon;126359 said:
9 out of 10 peps prefer a nice expensive lord!!
Maybe 9 out of 10 Pacific peppermints. Out of all the Atlantic peppermints I've used in tanks, I'm yet to have a problem with a single one.

Michael Rice
Marine Engineers Aquarium Blog
Sent from Tapatalk so excuse my poor English