Please help ID


Turbo Snail
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thank you so much for IDing. Can this one hurt fish? I've heard that some of them can. I'll leave it unless it's going to hurt the fish.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Ikan60;310899 said:
Thank you so much for IDing. Can this one hurt fish? I've heard that some of them can. I'll leave it unless it's going to hurt the fish.
It wont hurt anything unless it get REALLY big. If you see one longer than a foot, take it out. Otherwise they are a valuable part of your live sand fauna. They mostly get a bad rap cause it hurts like hell if you touch one and they are often seen eating the remains of a fish that died for other reasons.
Nah. Unless the fish tries to eat it... But then again some wrasses are known to chow down on these guys. My fish don't mess with them and they don't mess with my fish. Just don't touch it without thick gloves or tweezers if you do intend to remove it... Those things are *****ly and tend to hurt. Chances are you have more than just the one as well so it could end up being frivolous work. There are different home made traps you can make though... But still. Once they've established they are pretty much there to stay without a fish to nom on them


Turbo Snail
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thank you so much! This forum is amazing - filled with awesome people trying to help idiots like me;). Even though I've attended my two meetings, I'm on my way to pay my dues right now! I want to thank everyone for the amazing help and wonderful advice I've received. Whenever I panic, somebody comes through in minutes. What an awesome community!


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Yep just a bristle worm, it wont harm anything. They are great scavengers. Have tons in my tank and no piece of food goes to waste because of them and the rest of my CuC. Even the big ones dont harm anything, but if a fish dies they will make quick work of the body. Just dont try and handle them with bare hands those spines are barbed and will sting you.