@ ReifCheif - I have only seen two successfully grow. The first was a small white nem, it was attached to the intake of the old overflow I was using. The second was a small orange nem, which has attached to a LR in the refuge. The others might be living in the refuge as well, I havent seen them though. I did notice them floating around the water column for a day of two before disappearing. They dont seem to attach well in a high flow tank, which might result in their death. The skimmer might suck them up as well? Not sure if they need the crab to survive for long periods in the aquarium. Guess time will tell. I am unfamiliar with their species of anemone, I have asked around and haven't found much info on them.
@ y0daddy - I don't think it is harmful to have a little extra calcium. My halimeda loves it

They look more beautiful than ever, bright green. They looked like crap before I started dosing a lil' extra calc weekly to bring it from 500 to 660. No3 at 20ppm wasn't enough to encourage the halimeda growth. Now I have sprouts shooting up everywhere, cant even see 2 inches in anymore

Off topic, but that is what led me to increase the dosings.