One theory of SPS and coloration is the maintenance of correct potassium levels. This mainly pertains to darker color corals like purples and blues. It is said that having potassium inline will really bring out the best colors. So I decided to pick up a potassium test kit and some potassium and to see what happens. I have to be honest I have been struggling with the darker color SPS, mainly blues so lets see what happens!
NSW contains a potassium level of 399 and its pretty consistent from what I understand. Its also very important to not overdose, not sure the consequences but I hope to not find out.
I have been using Brightwell Aquatics Potassion for about the last month and have been ultra conservative with it, only dosing a cap full every week. The directions call for 1 cap full (5ml) for every 50 gallons of water but without testing I was only doing 1. My total water volume is about 140 gallons. Now that I have a Red Sea test kit I will do what I can to bring my levels up to par and see what happens.
Day 1 with test kit - 344ppm.
NSW contains a potassium level of 399 and its pretty consistent from what I understand. Its also very important to not overdose, not sure the consequences but I hope to not find out.
I have been using Brightwell Aquatics Potassion for about the last month and have been ultra conservative with it, only dosing a cap full every week. The directions call for 1 cap full (5ml) for every 50 gallons of water but without testing I was only doing 1. My total water volume is about 140 gallons. Now that I have a Red Sea test kit I will do what I can to bring my levels up to par and see what happens.
Day 1 with test kit - 344ppm.