So I have been reading to much in the way of the toxins and poisons corals release on a daily basis in our tanks and how some say that those toxins from paly's and zoas can lead to cancer in humans. At the very least there is not enough research done to know. True or not I have decided it is probably best for me, and probably you, to get some protection while dangling our hands in a condensed ocean soup for hours at a time. Does any one use full arm gloves? If so please give us some details. If not here are two I found, one looks to be a heavy duty reusable and the other a garbage bag for your arm. What would you guys think would be better?
I prefer not having gloves but since I am always getting cut working on the jeep or the house and I refuse to use lotion this seems to be the best route.
I prefer not having gloves but since I am always getting cut working on the jeep or the house and I refuse to use lotion this seems to be the best route.