Qt tank newb!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Alright... You guys have convinced me that a qt tank is not an option but a necessity... What all should I do for it... I have an old hob filter from one of my freshwater tanks just went out and snagged a 20l from petco (thank you dollar gallon sale) obviously getting a heater.
What else do I need... I have an old fluorescent light I could throw on there. I was planning on big pvc just stuck there please help the new guy out!!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
You don't even really need a light...it might help if you want to monitor the fish for a disease, but other than helping your eyesight it's not necessary. In fact...I'd leave the light off the 20g tank so you don't have to worry about the potential for increased temp and any potential salinity fluctuations due to evaporation.

Your plan sounds solid...PVC works fine for shelter, and as long as the filter provides enough circulation it should be OK.

I would seed the QT by tossing a sponge in the sump of your main tank for at least 4 weeks, then toss it in the hob filter when you add fish. The only other thing I'd recommend is one of those ammonia alert things to stick in the tank...I prefer those since it allows you to monitor for poor water quality without using a test kit every day.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Carbon will absorb any meds and copper (once bound to organics), so be sure and remove it if you need to treat.

Tops are good for new fish to prevent jumping.

Paint the back and sides black, or use some vinyl - I think that it helps the fish feel more secure.

It is a 20G tank - you can do a 100% water change (in between QT cycles, when it is empty) out of your display to keep the nitrates down. I change water out of my display into my QT to keep it as much like a reef as possible.

Get a couple PVC pieces... surely you will QT more than one fish at once and sometimes they like their own space.

Keep a hose around to siphon the junk off of the bare bottom.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, I agree on the 30 days...just pulled my small tang out from the display and back in quarantine. He started showing signs of ich. UGH...rookie mistake- not a long enough quarantine.

Learn from my mistake!