Quick Question

95% sure I've found a tiny little aiptasia in my sand. It is pressed right up on the glass and looks like the foot might be attached to the glass. What do you guys think I should do about this? I was reading the other thread (probably directly under this) but that was in regards to it being on the rock. I was going to start dosing Kent Marine Tech M to fight off a small amount of bryopsis, should I wait and see if this will kill it off potentially? Open to any suggestions


M.A.S.C Club Member
I would turn off all the pumps and take a razor and scrap it off. Make sure that it does float away in the water.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I've used hot ro/di water in a syringe, or injected lime juice, or injected calcium with near 100% results.

Walter White

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I got rid of all mine by turning off the pumps covering the aiptasia with a little kalk paste from a syringe and letting it sit for 15 minutes then siphon out the remaining bit of Kalk. You probably don't even need to siphon it out. I just do because I have a nano. I have read it's better to avoid trying to scrape or cut them off as they will be more likely to spread. I did this for about a month. Ever time I would see one and now have not a single one and haven't for some time.
Thx for the replies, decided to just scrap the little booger off with a razor. Was surprised at how attached the foot was... Hoping that will be the one and only I have to romove but not counting on it