RBTA in trouble?


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I got a new RBTA and black and white clownfish pair yesterday. Everything has been going great with them, but tonight when I got home my RBTA was stuck to the overflow at the bottom of my tank. My overflow is in the corner and drains from both the top and bottom of the tank. I gently coaxed it out of the overflow slots, but it was in there pretty well. I don't see any damage to the anemone, but it is still not looking good after some time. I reduced the flow in the tank to try and allow it time to re-attach, but it is still just laying there. It does move, inflate and deflate itself from time to time though.

Is there anything that I can or should do to help it out. I thought about putting it in my fuge for now until I can figure out a way to ensure that this does not happen again. Any suggestions of help are greatly appreciated.

Here is a pic of it after about 30 minutes.


M.A.S.C Club Member
These things are pretty tough! I'd give it some time to try and settle in! Try and cut down photo period on lights, they might be to intence for it and need to get used to it! When I first put the Radion over that
Tank it can out of I put egg crate over it for 2 weeks and was only running the lights at 65% hope this helps!

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
+1, if you think thats bad.....lol, If your water is good, it will probably be just fine.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
How long did you aclimate him?
He might be a little shocked....Like Charlie and Aaron said....they are tough little guys
and should be fine if your water quality is good.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I don't know my only run in with bta,s the thing was running around and got sucked through the power head


Butterfly Fish
my gbta got sucked threw the small hole for my overflow I had to push him threw then cut his toes just to get him threw .that was 2 weeks ago he is doing fine now.


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deadrock;148750 said:
I don't know my only run in with bta,s the thing was running around and got sucked through the power head
Thank you all for your comments. I have kept RBTA's in the past, even had one shredded by a powerhead that is still alive and well today and has split several times, but I still get nervous when something like this happens. I just don't want it to die. I use only RODI water and Reef crystals salt. I drip acclimated it for about an hour and my water params are good and are:

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 5
pH - 8.4
Alk - 10
Calc - 470
Temp - 77 +/- 1

I will just continue to watch the anemone to make sure that it doesn't get into trouble again. I also placed a rock in front of the strainer at the bottom of the tank. Hopefully this at least reduces the risk a little.


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After getting my breakfast and typing that last post I went to check on my BTA again and it looks like maybe it has found a spot that it is going to stay in for a while. it has worked it's foot through the holes in my rock. You can see the foot at the top of the picture below. It is looking MUCH better now. The only problem now is that it is at the back of the rock work. I had to take the back cover off of the tank to see it and to get the picture. Oh well, at least it seems to be content at the moment. Now if the clowns would only start hosting it again. :)
