Red Planaria (flatworms)


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So I noticed these really neat looking little reddish blobs on a piece of my LR yesterday and thought that it was some kind of sponge or something similar. When I looked at them today I noticed that they had moved and that concerned me upon further investigation I have found them to be red planaria. What I have read is that there are a few different fish that can help control them like 6 lined wrasses or leopard wrasses. What do you guys think? I don't have many now, but I have read about infestations and I don't want that either. Here are some pics. View attachment 13265 View attachment 13266


M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
I have had really good luck with Six Line Wrasse in my old 75 tank. That guy toook care of them. Flatworm exit works as well (from what i have read) but never used it mysefl.


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That doesn't sound too bad. Gives me an excuse to go buy another fish I wanted anyway.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Avoid the flatworm exit if you can. My 6 line wouldn't touch em' till my melinarius wrasse taught him how. Really depends on the fish, can be hit or miss.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Do be cautious of six line wrasses, they are known to be mean. Your best best (if you are going the natural predator route) is to get a halichoeres wrasse:

Be aware that they can potentially go after snails, feather dusters and other worms. I have had a yellow, green, christmas, vroliks and melanurus in the past without issue but your mileage might very.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Halichoeres chrysus? Great fish, good hunter. The one I had harassed my diamond goby but nothing detrimental. I had flatworms in my previous 125 gallon and the yellow coris was the fish I added to rid the problem. My flatworms disappeared in a couple days after adding him.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Red Planaria (flatworms)

Always follow directions on fwe. Don't double or triple dosage..... your asking for trouble... and tank wipe....

Sent from my C771


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I am going to try and pick up a Yellow Coris Wrasse. It sounds like that should do the trick. If not I'll try the FWE, but I'd rather not add any treatments unless I have to.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Stay away form FlatWorm Exit. Yellow Choris should help, melanarus is great as well as leapords. I have all 3 in my tank and have no unwanted critters.

Stay away from the six line, theyre meaner than hell when they get bigger and known to jump.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
You can also remove the clumps of red worms as you see them, this will help too.