Reef emergency!!!!!!

Does anybody that up right now have any coral rx or medication for corals. Came home tonight to find some bacteria on my frogspawns and hammer colony and all the stores are closed. Killing it very quickly. All parameters are perfect and from what I can see its a brown and white slimy film over them. Plz call or text if your up 3035625253. Ty Ty Ty


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Im too far... sorry hopefully u have luck and if not i hope it holds on till mornin

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Remove the brown slime stringy material (you can often siphon most of it out). Do this while the coral is still in the aquarium. Hold the siphon an inch or so away from the slime and start the siphon. Dump whatever you siphon out into a bucket. Do not reuse the water in that bucket. It is laden with elements and chemicals you do not want back in your tank, besides the slime that you removed and that you do not want in the tank either. Note that sometimes you need to siphon this off several times, hours apart or on consecutive days. Slime may reappear and needs to be removed.
Dip the affected area in water for about 3 to 4 minutes. You need to use saltwater and add iodine to the water to kill off the bacterial disease. How much iodine you add depends on the strength of the product you use. Some brands are 2 % solutions, others are 5 % and others yet are much stronger, 10 %. Of course Lugol's is even stronger and can be used as well. 10 to 20 drops of a 5 % solution to a 3 gallon bucket is what is usually recommended but it is best to check with someone in the know.
Note that overdosing on iodine can be a reason for bleaching (personal comm. Bruce Carlson) and only increases the problem. Dose the water correctly.
The best is to start with 10 drops of a 10 percent solution and repeat the bath a few times over a period of several hours. This will usually take care of the problem.
Just normal iodine or aquarium iodine. I have like an iodine supplement Will that work.
I'm trying to go over anything dif I've done to it lately. From what I can remember I added buffer and tested it after it was good. Other then that all I've done is added a clean up crew. It's a 46 gal and put in 102 snails
that's about it but it most definitely looks like bacteria. Nothing else
usually aquarium supplements are iodide based i think you need iodine from the first aid section take a baster and suck off as much as you can then run to the store
Ok. Ty Ty Ty so much. I appreciate all the help. If u think of anything else lemme know. Sry guys. I'm freaking out
its mostly a LPS and ocassional sps disease if its a branching hammer or frog spawn snap off the affected heads and qt them run heavy carbon and do a water change and do a dip
Yes it is a branching hammer and its the whole colony. Literally like wiped out. I'll try to post pic.
if it is brown jelly it spreads to all lps in the tank if you dont do the dip i would just toss the infected corals if you have alot of lps in there do a dip and i would dip all the lps and keep a very watchful eye


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'm just south of federal and 1-76 if you're still desperate for some coral rx. Not too far of a trip depending where you are. PM me if u need it
the iodine from the store should contain iodine potassium iodide and distilled water its the same ingredients as lugols just make sure you sue the correct dose to 3 gallons of saltwater and you can go buy it right now at any grocery store parmacy or pharmacy store i would act fast tho