Reefs for us,our kids and so forth.. looking into 2060 and beyond

Hey all,

I was just doing some research around the web and found an interesting topic concerning our reefs as a world. Before I go further here on the forums I would like to see what all of you have heard, researched yourself or seen up close and personal.

Ocean Acidification:

It appears as if scientist and coral enthusiast have known about this issue for some time... mid 2000's. The science is simple and we have seen this happen in tanks. The premise is that CO2 is dissolving in the ocean and lowering PH. Ice core samples show that the predicted PH levels have not been on this earth in our ocean in 30 million years. A rapid change in any chemistry can cause havoc. Ocean Acidification shows that some specials cannot over come or adapt to there carbonate shells and skeletons melting by lower PH. Eliminating a staple food source of these tiny animals can surely cause further issues. What do you girls and guys know about this? I am all ears and cant wait to see what you know.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
It is a horrible issue facing our oceans and there isn't much that can be done about it quickly. The world needs to stop using fossil fuels and start growing more trees for a start. I have heard rumors that scientists were thinking of growing huge areas of algae to help with global warming so maybe that will help he oceans too. Read the book Oceana by Ted Danson (yes, from Cheers). Lot's of great info. Talks about impacts on the oceans including acidification, pollution, fishing, aquarium hobby, etc.
I have read a lot, I just figured there would be a lot of people on MASC that had an opinion about such an important issue. I can defiantly link some TED Talks and articles if not a lot of people have heard about it. I was shocked to just recently find out about it this far along, I thought I would have seen some bit of publication more in the open.