Reefstock pests

Just a reminder peeps, keep a close eye on everything for the next few weeks. I dipped everything in Revive and rinsed well. Noticed a maricultured acro's tips started not looking good then noticed some bites out of a nearby acro that had been doing fine. Found this nemesis in the new maricultured acro, black clawed gorilla crab. If anybody wants him let me know. If not its the porcelain drain.



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Reefstock pests

I dip everything. Where you located? I know someone that may want him.

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know i know what i found in my tank today are they good or bad the one i found is about the size of a dime at first glance i thought it was my emerald crab
but not that lucky i guess