Refugium light cycle


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I have had my tank up (90 gal) for about a year now. Have been using alot of biowheel HOB filters (4 of them) to keep it going after cracking a 30 gal tank I was going to make into a sump.

When I last had reef tanks set up ( 75g & 180g) it was back in the days of bare bottoms and wet-drys. Live sand was just being talked about, and people were laughing at the idea.

So here I am after a lengthy vacation from saltwater, having just been keeping freshwater for the last ten years or so, starting the learning process all over with these "new ideas".

After the caleurpa crash earlier in the week and the increase in green algae in my tank I have set up a refugium. This was an old Amiracle 400 ( 36"X12"X16" ) that I have gutted and modified to be a refugium/sump. Water volume gain is about 22 gallons.

I have an area about 26"x12" that has live sand in it now and which I will be adding some rubble and macro algae to soon. With an area of about 10"x12" as a sump for the skimmer and misc to be sitting in.

For lighting I am using a two bulb 24" T5 fixture with 10K & 6700K bulbs and a 12" LED mostly white fixture.

This was my project for the day.

Now for some questions...
I know some people have been keeping caluerpa in their 'fuge for a lengthy period of time with no bad side effects when running the lights 24/7. I understand the light cycle needs of plants and wonder if using the remaining caleurpa I saved from the crash would be a good idea to put in there now temporarily.

What light cycles do most of you guys & gals use? Fuge lights on when DT lights are off? Fuge lights on 24/7? Fuge lights on when DT lights are on?

What are your macro algaes of choice? Chaeto, caluerpa, ??
Hit up Kris (djkims) or shoot him a PM. He has a wicked macro grow, and really knows his stuff. I have Cheato, Fern Caulerpa, Red Gracilaria, Mangroves and an unkown random from and I run my 6,500K about 16 hours opposite of DT. Great growth on the Red Gracilaria and Fern Caulerpa.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Me personally i just got got trying the refuguim free aquarium and failed, not enough buffer in the water in my opinon. I also strongly believe you cycle should depend on your main tank lighting, i run AI sols and my PH does not hardly flux at all when my lights come on so i had run and now run again my ref light 24/7 same as craiger, but i believe if u have a MH System you should run opiset of your DT to counter some of the PH swing. Just my thoughts

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Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I also run furn calupra because of its grow rate and sexual tendencies. I also will be doing macros as well so i can feed to my tangs, just have to keep them in check so do not grow excessively then have a sudden die off

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Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I am running 250x2 20K MH and T5's. MH are on about 7 hours total, two 3.5 hr blocks a day. The T5's are on about 13 hrs/day.

Just put the salvaged caluerpa in the 'fuge...


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have about 15 or so macros between 2 fuges. The only caulerpa I have in my system is prolifera. I don't trust the other caulerpa's except ashmeadii (which I cant keep alive). IMO the best fuge macros are red ones. They are hardy, not known to go sexual and thrive in just about any conditions. I run my fuges on a opposite light cycle than my display to help with PH swings, balance CO2/O2 in the water column and to give the algae a rest period.

I suggest diversifying your types of macros for maximum efficiency and prune regularly.

Here are some of the macros I keep:


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I will have to come get some of those macros sometime.
Thanks to everyone for their input.