

Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Just getting some input. How many of you use a fugue? Do you prefer sand or say fiji or miracle mud? Do you leave your fugue lights on 24/7 or for a photo-period? What have been your results and have you tried alternatives? Which do you prefer and why? Thanks for all your input.


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
How many of you use a fugue? I do!

Do you prefer sand or say fiji or miracle mud? Fiji mud is basically a bucket of mud from the mud flats outside one of the fiji reefs. And miracle mud is mostly quartz and a waste of money. I occasionally Use fiji mud but it is expensive for how much you get.

Do you leave your fugue lights on 24/7 or for a photo-period? I run my lights 18 on 6 off

What have been your results and have you tried alternatives? the only other experience I have had was with AIO tanks and they were much more work to take care of and had to keep up with the weekly water change.

Which do you prefer and why? FUGUE!!!!!!! Less Maintence


Staff member
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M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
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I use a fuge. I used to have a deep sand bed in mine but it was difficult to clean and collected to much gunk over time, so I removed about 75% of it. I have a deep sand bed in my DT anyway so it was kind of redundant and found I didnt need it anyway. I keep my lights on an opposite schedule of my DT which is best, unless you have calerpra (how ever you spell that)macros which need 24/7 or they go sexual and foul the tank, all other macros though work well with the opposite light schedule. I haven't tried without a fuge but dont think I will either, unless I was doing a planted tank, to many benefits to having a fuge. The main benefit really is the macros will help control pest algae by out competing them and it also provides a great spot to grow pods and beneficial micro fauna.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I use a fuge and have only been since I started my 40 on July 1st. Before that I didn't use one and I always had algae problems in the display. I put rock rubble, chaetomorpha and dragons breath macro algae. I find the fuge is easier to clean without sand. My photo period is on for 12 hours, opposite of my display which is also on for 12 hours.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I keep a fuge in my 85g cube. Tried one in the back of a nanocube in the past, and it wasn't nearly efficient enough to bother keeping it online.

I have a sandbed approximately 2" deep and live rock in the fuge along with chaeto, halimeda, and probably some bits of other macros that I introduced and are buried somewhere in there...the chaeto and halimeda seem to outcompete everything I add though. Lighting is 18hrs ON 6hrs OFF on a reverse photoperiod.

The only alternative I've tried was a combo of purigen and GFO on my nanocube, and it actually worked very well...but I prefer the fuge on my current larger tank since I can keep plenty of pods for my (4) wrasses and mandarin goby. I regularly shake out the chaeto in the DT when I harvest it before tossing it in the trash and the fish go into a feeding frenzy :)

The fuge chamber holds probably 5 gallons of water and is stuffed with rocks and macros on top of the sand bed. I get no detritus build up in there...I run a koralia nano 425 in the fuge and it is loaded with pods and bristleworms that keep the sand pretty much spotless.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
In my experience, a refugium makes the system much more stable. I actually run calerpa for about 16 hours, just over lapping my display tank at night.

I also have an AIO tank I made with a fuge that's 2 to 3 gallons, it works great! Although the magic is in the macro. I don't remember the last time I had more than zero nitrates lol.