Cool thanks for the tips. I was going to do this earlier today but ya stopped me. The reasoning behind the methods I was reading remove all the sand at once vs over time is to take out all the nutrients in one shot to prevent opening up rich layers of stored nutrients over and over aka algae outbreaks and cycles. I thought that would be a good time to shake the poop out of the rocks and give everything a nice cleaning. Then I was going to rely on the live rock to keep everything going from there on out. It's good mature rock that's been in tanks for over 10 years, and I got it 3.5 years ago. I'm not sold on either bb or sand, I love sand but from reading a lot on sand time bombs and terrible personal experiences with sand in a nano, I'm willing to try something new. I'll keep some sand going in the quarantine tank, that's been running for a year now.
let me also clarify the issues I had:
1. First issue leading to my tank become filthy. My mp40 slid down my blowing 75% by sand everywhere. Cause minor blooms, easier to clean then to diatoms for a week on, off.
2. Power outage on Easter dropped temps to 66-65 according to my old rkl and 64 according to an aquacontroller from 2004. Only death was a shrimp but I did see dead amphipods. Weeks later I had a lot of diatoms and a month later I had hair algae from a small cycle. Water changes prevented fish or coral loss but I did lose all my margarita and trochus snails.
3.Then the nano korella in the back that moves water behind the rock moved to an angle and blew the sand under the rocks out. Enough said it was like taking a massive crap in the tank. I lost a couple zoas and a softball size colony of birdnest I had since it was a tiny frag.
From what you guys posted, you made me rethink taking action today. The first thing I learned in the hobby is to take things slow and it's worked so far. I will think about replacing the current sand with clean cycled sand. Or finding a way to safely make the switch. Thanks again!! I've been patiently fixing the issues for months and making progress, I just don't want any more issues!
Thunder, I stuck around after and asked a few questions with the speaker. Another guy asked about bb and he said it was the best way to go. He said he had online info on how to do it but I'm still looking for it.