Removing or Sealing Epoxy

So I accidentally used a type of epoxy which is not safe for aquariums, but it has completely hardened and I can't get it out with my fingers. I called the company (Loctite) and they said it was toxic to fish and humans. Since I can't get it out, I've been contemplating using some sort of a sealant on it in order to keep anything from leaching into the water. Does anyone have any recommendations?

The epoxy is on some frags, so anything that requires substantial amounts of time out of the water to cure or harden won't work. Maybe a thick layer of superglue over all showing epoxy would be effective?


M.A.S.C Club Member
How large is the system? I used a loctite brand epoxy on my rock wall and I let it cure for a week before putting it in water and have not had any ill side effects that was in March of this year, but I can not say that it will not hurt your system. my system is a 28 gallon setup and i used a 2 part epoxy. what type did you use?

Sometimes a company will state that there product is not fish safe to avoid being held responsible.
I already run carbon through my filter, but my tank is only 20 gallons. I let it cure underwater though... It could be true that they just wanted to avoid responsibility, but the case also said it wasn't good for potable water systems. It seemed pretty serious.

What would be a sign of leaching though? What should I look for?

Walter White

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Loctite has to say this because they dont design thir product to be used in this manner almost all epoxy companies will tell you officially its not safe to avoid legal action. However most epoxys including loctite are completey inert once cured. acetone is a good solvent for epoxy but you definitly dont want to use that anywhere near your tank I think yow will be fine. i wouldn't worry about it too much.
Okay. I just wanted to be sure. Thank you all for your input. I was just getting really worried esp. because my protein skimmer stopped producing skimmate for a while after I put it in. Things seem okay now and nothing seems unhappy, I was just worried lol. I really don't want to screw my tank up, you know?

Walter White

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
im not sure there is a good way of determining if its leaching into the water. There is probably no test available even if you knew what to test for. Honestly if it were me id just leave it be but you should get a few other educated opinions other than just mine.

Walter White

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
oatyfruitybar;130529 said:
Okay. I just wanted to be sure. Thank you all for your input. I was just getting really worried esp. because my protein skimmer stopped producing skimmate for a while after I put it in. Things seem okay now and nothing seems unhappy, I was just worried lol. I really don't want to screw my tank up, you know?

I hear ya I just got my 28 to a happy place and i hate doing so much as a water change for fear or ****ing everything off again. I have many years of experience in working with most types of epoxy's and resins not in this hobby mind you. I will say they are extremely toxic until they are fully cured but most I would have no problem eating from after fully cured. The best bit of assurance i can give you is if you used the appropriate ratio of epoxy and hardener and mixed thoroughly there shouldnt be anything left to leach chemicals. If you think you have too much of one or the other you could potentially have a problem. If the epoxy is very hard say hard enough that you cant easily poke a little hole with a stick pin you should be fine. if you poke it with a stick pin or tack and it feels tacky that's bad.


M.A.S.C Club Member
when i said watch for leeching i was referring to closed polyps, diatom blooms and cloudiness to name a few but personally i watch my tank enough that i can tell when things are not happy and when they are and if i need to do a water change or not.
Okay, I see what you mean. Everything looks happy at present, even the polyp frags that I put the epoxy on. I'll keep an eye on it in the future. My protein skimmer has started producing skimmate again too so I'm pleased about that.