Salt Mix and sand for sale

I have an unopened bucket (160 gallons) of Reef Crystals 45.00

30 pound bag of caribSea sugar sized sand 40.00 I also have about 60 pounds of it that was in my tank that will need to be rinsed but looks good. I'll throw it in if you want it, just bring a bucket or two, I am keeping the tub it's in.

Open to offers or trade for non reefing related items. I also have a ton of other stuff you would be welcome to rummage through and offer on. I haven't gotten around to sorting it all out yet.
WOW! I made the mistake of price checking this stuff at Marine Depot. They seem to have gone insane on their prices since I last used them. After looking at fosters and smith new prices

35.00 for the salt mix which is in the cool bucket with the spin off lid.

25.00 for the bag of sand.