Saltwater live food feeler...


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I am considering starting to grow live food for the Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley area.

Products that might be offered:

Prices TBA if I get enough interest and of course trades for coral would also be accepted.

Brine shrimp by the liter
Rotifers by the liter
Amphipods by the liter
Moina by the liter
Phytoplankton by the 2 liter

Would people be interested in these products.
Something to keep in mind if you do that is as Djkms turned us on to, the Department of Ag is hunting people that are doing stuff like that without a license so maybe look into that.


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yah... $100 for that permit. Yah I won't even break even.

But my thoughts for price is $14 per 2 liter of phyto. $12 if you bring your own 2-liter.
the pods I will have to figure out growth rate and such.
Wouldn't it seem like the type of thing you are planning to do would NOT require a permit according to the doc?

"The following persons do not need an aquaculture permit:1. A broker who never takes physical possession of live aquatic organisms; or
2. A person who
(a.) only sells directly to individuals live aquatic organisms for use as food; and..."
If I were you, I might contact them based on that snippet in the doc and just make sure first based on what BubbaRockies said. It would seem it's covered there but...

Haulin Oates

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Saltwater live food feeler...

Good_GReef;252732 said:
If I were you, I might contact them based on that snippet in the doc and just make sure first based on what BubbaRockies said. It would seem it's covered there but...
I think DJKMS was actually selling through a store, and therefore was not just selling to an individual. That might have been the reason he had to stop. (Not to mention that he spent a ridiculous amount of hours keeping the 2 cultures he had going)
We have a vendor here from boulder that cultures several different species of pods and phyto... Maybe ask him if he had to get a permit?


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ok I will no longer be selling phyto or pods. I don't have the space for doing large quantities and the people I am purchasing strains from requested I not sell them. If I have extra that I am not going to use you may pm me a request for trade for other saltwater hobby stuff.