Sand Transfer


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
OK, so Im getting real close to breaking down the 180 and setting up the 75 (Much thanks to Mike and Cindy!). Heres what I need advice on

When I set the 180 up I had all kinds of issues becuase I disturbed the sand, basically went through a cycle I hadnt planned on happening, killed quite a bit of live stock.

Im much more prepared this time, I have multiple QT tanks set up to move all my fish and corals too while i do this so a cycle will not be an issue, but Im hoping to avoid this as much as possible.

Yada yada yada, anyways heres my question. Sand is about 6 months old, I plan to re use it, cant afford not to. SHould I just scoop it form the 180 and put in right in the 75? Or should I rinse it first? The sand is fairly clean in appearance. I have a slough of sand sifters in my CUC so they keep it pretty clean, thoughts??

I was gonna set up the DWP in this tank to try it out, but I decided I liked the idea of having a DEEP sand bed (the 180 has plenty of sand for a DSB in the 75), as long as I can safely re use it.


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
As new as that sand is, I wouldn't expect a major cycle if you reused it.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
i think you would be fine transferring it all, but keep fresh saltwater on hand in case you start to see signs of ammonia...


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I didn't rinse mine and I only had a few sifters. I actually used my old stuff to keep the dust down from the new stuff under it.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Use it and just wait for it to cycle. The rock will cycle some too, so you can just do it at the same time if you want.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Itll all be going in at once.

I plan to just get all the sand out of the 180 and into the 75 and then take the rock Im going to use and get it in the 75 and just let it cycle. Ill worry about the stack as the tank cycles. Since the rtock is very mature (been using some of it for 3 years) and the sand is fairly clean I shouldnt have too much of a cycle, plus Im ready for it this time. Thanks for the posotive reinforcement guys!


M.A.S.C Club Member
It is not the organics in the sand that are a problem, it is the bacteria. Try and put the rock back as it was - part that is in the sand, back in the sand, etc. You will likely have enough of a cycle to kill coral, but it should be fast if you just let it run the course (no water changes or ammo-lock or whatever). Anytime you disrupt the anoxic and oxic zones and jack with the equilibrium, bacteria will die and need to regrow.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Using the rock the way it was is not an option, there is no way Im going to fit all the rock from the 180 into the 75, there alos is not alot of rock that actually touches the sand, the bottm of my stack is mostly caves and such, so I think Im Ok there.

Corals and fish will not be put in the new tank, I have 3 QT tanks set up to house all my corals and fish so if the tank needs to cycle then it can cycle.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
What about taking the top part of your sand in the 180g and staying away from the bottom section. I would think you will only be using about a third to half of your sand as it is. Then just rinse and dry out the rest for your next tank ;)


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Ive only got about 3" of sand in the 180, Im hoping for a good DSB in the 75.

Im also not sure how i would accomplish this. Im literally going to be setting up the 75 and tearing the 180 down simultaniously, plan is to have all the sand and rock out fo the 180 and into the 75 Sunday.

I know its gonna cycle, Im just gonna have to deal with that, Ill just be very careful with the sand, try not to mix it up too much and lay it back down as it was scooped up. Im thinking a dustpan may be the best option for this.

Should I use water from the 180 or should I just mix up new water for the new tank??


According to my watch, the time is now.
M.A.S.C Club Member
Maybe do half new, half old, and mix up new water to have on hand for daily water changes if the numbers get too bad