I'm breaking down my 175 gallon bowfront setup and everything is for sale. I just don't have the time to take care of it anymore. The aquarium is still up and running as of now and will remain so until the fish are sold.
Yellow Tang $40
Big Eye Black Bar Soldierfish $25
Sailfin Tang $40
Blue Spotted Puffer $25
2 Engineer Gobys $25 for pair
Spotted Hawkfish $20
Foxface $15
Blue damselfish Free if you buy several items
175 gallon Marineland Bowfront aquarium and stand with 2 overflows $800
Neptune Apex Aqua Controller with Base unit, Display, PH & Temp Probes, and EB8 $400
Maxspect Gyre xf150 $240
100 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank refuge $100
9 - 20 gallon pet store acrylic aquariums with overflows, great for quarantine tanks and breeding systems $30 a piece obo
MR-6R Recirculating Protein Skimmer and pumps $300 obo
Minifridge for fish food $40
4200gph underwater returm pump $60
About 200lbs live rock lots of purple coralline $350 ($1.75lb)
about 100lbs dry rock $150 ($1.50lb)
65 gallon enclosed water storage tank for mixing salt or RO $125
reef octopus dual chamber calcium reactor $300
Yellow Tang $40
Big Eye Black Bar Soldierfish $25
Sailfin Tang $40
Blue Spotted Puffer $25
2 Engineer Gobys $25 for pair
Spotted Hawkfish $20
Foxface $15
Blue damselfish Free if you buy several items
175 gallon Marineland Bowfront aquarium and stand with 2 overflows $800
Neptune Apex Aqua Controller with Base unit, Display, PH & Temp Probes, and EB8 $400
Maxspect Gyre xf150 $240
100 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank refuge $100
9 - 20 gallon pet store acrylic aquariums with overflows, great for quarantine tanks and breeding systems $30 a piece obo
MR-6R Recirculating Protein Skimmer and pumps $300 obo
Minifridge for fish food $40
4200gph underwater returm pump $60
About 200lbs live rock lots of purple coralline $350 ($1.75lb)
about 100lbs dry rock $150 ($1.50lb)
65 gallon enclosed water storage tank for mixing salt or RO $125
reef octopus dual chamber calcium reactor $300