Sick Angel help


Cleaner Shrimp
I purchased a Bi-Color Angel from Liquid Kingdom on 10/13. They had her in the store for 2 weeks before that. All of my water for water changes comes from Liquid Kingdom as well. She's housed in a 55 gal with 8 Damsels, 2 Clowns, 1 Two-Spot goby and lives in a "rock cave" together with a Skunk Cleaner Shrimp. I feed the tank in the morning with New Life Spectrum Marine Formula (small pellets) and in the evening with frozen Spirulina Brine. I also put dry seaweed on a clip a couple times a week.

The first week the Angel would only eat the brine shrimp. After that, she started eating the pellets. I've never seen her eat the seaweed but it does disappear and she does graze on algae off the rocks. She swims actively around the tank and goes to her "cave" at night.

Three days ago (10/22) I could not find her in (or anywhere around the outside) the tank. I figured she must be hiding so I just let it go. Two days ago (10/23) the same thing, she did not come out to eat in the morning or the afternoon. This time I went searching for a carcass but I found her in her cave swimming around but not coming out. So, I put it all back together and left her alone. Today when she did not come out I upturned her cave. She swam out and into another cave but would not eat. So, I broke out all of the test kits I have:

Coralife Deep Six: 1.023
Red Sea: 1.022
Red Sea, Nitrite: 0 ppm
Jungle Dip Strip, Ammonia: 0 ppm
Red Sea, pH: 8.2
Red Sea, Alk: 2.0
API, Nitrate: 10ppm
API, Phosphate: 0 ppm

I've always used mixed salt water from Liquid Kingdom except for this last water change. I got water from Elite Reef on 10/21 changing out 10 gal of this 55 gal tank, the day before the Angel stopped eating. I can't imagine their water had anything to do with this but that's the only thing that has changed since I purchased the Angel. In the short time I saw her I saw no physical signs of injury, just rapid breathing. If there were any parasites, I'm sure the cleaner shrimp she shares her home with would have taken care of them.

I'm reluctant to remove her to a QT for fear of the added stress that will cause. I'll have to if I'm going to try any medications but, without any sypmtoms, what medications would I use? Any other ideas or suggestions?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I dont know if it would effect the fish however you ALK is low


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
When she was coming out were the damsels chasing her?

Parasites can be internal or external...but I agree, without symptoms, medicating the entire tank is unwise. You didn't mention has it been stable?

For a bi-color, I'd suggest keeping sme nori in the clip all the time as long as it is getting eaten...they generally like to nibble on algae all of the time.


Cleaner Shrimp
Sadly she died today. I checked and found no parasites, no bloating, clear eyes, lightly frayed tail fin. The damsels never chased her, but the other way around. Once she settled she played fairly nicely but made sure the damsels knew who was boss.

Before adding the angel my Nitrates were up to 20ppm. Last week's water change brought it down from there. Aside from that, all tested numbers were identical to the previous weeks.

I'll wait at least a week to see if any damsels have issues. I ultimately want a Bi-color and a Flame Angel and I know it's best to add them at the same time. I also wanted a Coral Beauty but I think a 55gal is a little small for 3 dwarf angels.

Thanks for the help.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Sorry to hear about the loss of the Angel...I love Angels. Very odd about the water change prior to everything going wacky, strange for sure. I got my Coral Beauty from Liquid months ago and she's doing great. I want several if not all the dwarfs, but they hate each other for some reason (for the most part). You're a brave guy putting two, much less three in a 55g! I'm looking at 2 max in my 225g fish only tank coming up. Wish I could help more on hypotheses about this loss.


Cleaner Shrimp
Hmm... just lost a Chromis last night who was eating fine. At this point, I'll just have to do another water change and hope for the best.

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Keep an eye on parameters, but stability is best, if you start changing things because you dont know what to do you will create an unstable environment.
Sometimes stuff dies without us ever knowing why, and trying to fix the unknown will likely make things worse.


Cleaner Shrimp
When all else fails, do frequent, small water changes. That's what I go by. I normally do a 20% water change every 2 weeks. I could do that twice a week for four total changes. That should take care of any potential water quality issues.