Sick clowns


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
So I was looking at my clowns today and noticed that they've gotten black spots. They seem to be fine and active but now I'm starting to notice that my females fins look like they're being as if picked off. I can't really find an absolute answer online. Can anybody tell me what this is and help me treat it fast!


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What else is in the tank. I would wager to guess that something else in the tank is being territorial and nipping at her fins. Any other damsels or anything in the tank?


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I do have two 3 stripe damsels but my clowns usually are the ones in charge when in comes to my damsels. These are the only other fish btw
Totally fine! Both my male and female had black spots from first hosting a frogspawn, then a BTA. Nothing to worry about if they are otherwise behaving normally