My white tail bristletooth tang is sick.
I don't think it's ich, because the spots are huge, and the ones on his tail and fins are red. The ones on the rest of him may be red too, but since he is red, it's hard to tell. I've been trying to get a picture but he hasn't been venturing out much. His whole body seems to be covered in gunk though, and I think his top lip looks a little swollen. As far as I've seen, he hasn't eaten in a few days, though I haven't been home as much as I would like to watch. I've started adding garlic extract to the food that I'm putting in though, and I think that he's gotten a little better. I'm afraid taking him out to treat would stress him out so badly that it would kill him (he's a really shy fish). Any thoughts on any way to coax him into eating, or how to treat him? I'm currently feeding a mix of Elite reef blend, New Life Spectrum pellets and Formula 2 pellets. All other fish in the tank (3 lyretail anthias, 2 dragonface pipefish and a midas blenny) look great and have good appetites. Any advice would be appreciated.