Skimmer advice


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I have a reef octopus and it works great, no issues with it. Always pulls out lots of thick green skimmate. Think is has a slightly larger footprint then the bubble magnus skimmers though, but both fairly close in design. If you are tight on space I might go for the magnus


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
For the past month or two I have been running The Seaside Aquatics CS5.5. It is the Bubble Magnus NAC body with the better, more powerful Sicci pump. I've been very pleased with the results. I am pulling a dark wet skim and emptying quite a bit daily. One nice thing about it is a very small footprint in the sump.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
gajake;302567 said:
For the past month or two I have been running The Seaside Aquatics CS5.5. It is the Bubble Magnus NAC body with the better, more powerful Sicci pump. I've been very pleased with the results. I am pulling a dark wet skim and emptying quite a bit daily. One nice thing about it is a very small footprint in the sump.
Interesting.. Yeah I was planning on getting the BM nac3.5. I wonder if the $50 difference is really worth a "better" pump??


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Good question. I saw some people on the net complaining about the Altman pumps and/or looking for replacement pumps. I know the Sicci pumps have a good reputation. Also I was lucky enought to find it with a 10% discount which helped. I bought it from I was looking for the new Aquamaxx but since that will not be available until late summer or fall they offered a discount on other skimmer.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
It's a 55G with a 20G sump. Bioload 7 fish, large banded shrimp and large sally lightfoot crab and lot's of corals


M.A.S.C Club Member
SynDen;302527 said:
I have a reef octopus and it works great, no issues with it. Always pulls out lots of thick green skimmate. Think is has a slightly larger footprint then the bubble magnus skimmers though, but both fairly close in design. If you are tight on space I might go for the magnus
+1 I have had great luck with reef octopus.

You might be an engineer if...You have no life, and you can PROVE it mathematically.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
As much as the small footprint, I went with it because it is made to run in my 11" deep sump. Most of the skimmers I saw that would fit specified anywhere between 5" and 8" deep.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
SynDen;302527 said:
I have a reef octopus and it works great, no issues with it. Always pulls out lots of thick green skimmate. Think is has a slightly larger footprint then the bubble magnus skimmers though, but both fairly close in design. If you are tight on space I might go for the magnus
I have the hob reef octo and it has been great since day one.

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I bought a new Diablo 150 to run with my ASM G3 on my 150 gallon tank and have not been happy with it. The ASM skimmer pulls way more than the Diablo and the Diablo is pretty loud which bugs be. I'm in the process now of setting up a 120 gallon and just purchased a new SWC 160 hoping it will be better than both the ASM and Diablo on my 150. My advice would be not to go with the Diablo.....or buy mine;)


M.A.S.C Club Member
Ya I have a g3 on my 180 now w about 240 total volume so I have a good skimmer, but want to upgrade it and put it on my nem tank w a upgraded pump
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I don't think a diablo is an upgrade! I know it's sexy looking but not a better skimmer. The ASM is hard to beat. Maybe get a larger asm? I wish I didn't sell mine. I know people seem to like the bubble magnus nac9's but I have never seen one running or used one. JDA has a large diablo running next to his large asm in his fish rom on his 120. The asm pulls way more than the diablo.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Dr.HarlemTutu;302627 said:
I don't think a diablo is an upgrade! I know it's sexy looking but not a better skimmer. The ASM is hard to beat. Maybe get a larger asm? I wish I didn't sell mine. I know people seem to like the bubble magnus nac9's but I have never seen one running or used one. JDA has a large diablo running next to his large asm in his fish rom on his 120. The asm pulls way more than the diablo.
Ya been talking to Jda on the diablo, have a line on a g4 might see what I can do.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dr.HarlemTutu;302627 said:
I don't think a diablo is an upgrade! I know it's sexy looking but not a better skimmer. The ASM is hard to beat. Maybe get a larger asm? I wish I didn't sell mine. I know people seem to like the bubble magnus nac9's but I have never seen one running or used one. JDA has a large diablo running next to his large asm in his fish rom on his 120. The asm pulls way more than the diablo.
I would have to disagree! I work with ASM's on my maintenance accounts and some of our larger accounts use the Diablos. I don't think the ASM's can even hold a candle to the Diablo. Granted I only have experience with the Diablo 250's. As a matter of fact I have a Diablo 250. Here is a quick vid:

Don't get me wrong, there is a reason we use the ASM's as a company. They are tried and true and are typically low maintenance and easy to repair should they need it. I just dont think they perform as well as the Diablo's. Just my opinion :)