Skunk cleaner -$15

foxface 13

Cleaner Shrimp
Hi guys,

I have a skunk cleaner leftover from my 46 which won't fit into my 29 gallon. Need him gone by Thursday. His body is about 2.5" long and he love to clean fish. I live in Lowry (east Denver).

I have a coral b shrimp and arrow you think either of these would kill a cleaner?? If not I will take him wed when I pick up the other stuff.

foxface 13

Cleaner Shrimp
I am not sure as I haven't had either of those critters...can anyone guess skunk cleaner and arrow crab/coral banded shrimp compatability?

foxface 13

Cleaner Shrimp
I think they should work, asked some peeps on the chat. Also, the skunk cleaner is pretty big and if your arrow doesn't attack your coral banded then he should be just fine. I'll hold him for you until Wedns.