Some items needed


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ok so I'm setting up a new system consisting of 3 40 gallon breaders( got to love petco $1 per gallon deals
So I made a stand and am stacking them on top of each other in my laundry room

The to tank is going to be a qt/ hospital tank

The middle tank is going to be fresh water storage I want to drill it to be able to turn a valve to empty fresh water down to my bottom tank which will be saltwater

Bottom tank mixxed saltwater
In this tank I want A hard plummets pump to recirculate the water then be able to have enough head pressure to push water up to my main floor to fill my tank after a water change!

So my list of what I'm looking for
Large pump with high head pressure
Two heaters
3 korillas or power heads
Someone to drill my tanks
36" light
Some hiding place stuff to put into the qt
Here's a pic of what I've done so far I built the stand. Moved my rodi system and mounted it to the side of the stand.

I don't have a ton of money to spend on the rest of the stuff but what all do u guys have and how much you want for it


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
PVC segments are good for hiding and cheap. Medications are messy. I wouldn't advise dosing above your storage.
I might be able to let go of my 3 korillas when I get my closed loop up. That might be a few days or more though.

Sent from phone.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
spstimie;134290 said:
PVC segments are good for hiding and cheap. Medications are messy. I wouldn't advise dosing above your storage.
My bottom tanks are set back from the edge by 6" it would be very hard to get it into the holding tanks at least that's what I am rhinking

Off The Deep End

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a mag 18 and 2x k4's LMK if your interested. I also have an iwaki but would have to check the model.


M.A.S.C Club Member
hey off the deep end if craiger doesnt want the iwaki let me know what model it is.....i am looking for a bigger return pump