I'm interested in the bluejaws how about $45 for them I only go so low because they are in your sump and I could easily pick up a pair from aquamart for $75 and they come with a 2 week guarantee. Nice skimmer by the way that thing must have cost you a small fortune.
Diehard, Thanks but go grab them from aquamart. I have had these guys for over year and they are 4 plus inches and paired. If aquamart has them for that price, it's a good price and you should get them.
I got in a new trio of masked swallowtails and this one was the biggest of them all and established in the tank so I had to pull her. She was a model citizen until she saw three other masked swallow tails. The triggers did not touch a coral but they love cleaner shrimp.
Doug I have seen him in person Nd it's a great looking fish, mike (mdrumm) is awesome to deal with and represents them as they really are. I got my potters wrasse from him and its doing great!