Stocking my 40 breeder- Need suggestions


Butterfly Fish
Ok. So I am looking for some colorful fish. This is going to be a fish only tank. The only thing is I have a blind clownfish, so the fish must be peaceful. What would you add?


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Awww a blind clown ;( I'm all about a pair of firefish. I have the purple ones and they are very peaceful and nice to the clowns. Also there are some pretty neat little gobies you can get too ;) Wrasses are very cool also!


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
That is awsome about that little clown! He's like a nemo only instead of the fin his blind ;) If you didn't live in the Springs I would tell ya to stop by AquaMart they have awesome firefish and a good deal on them. My watchman goby is also very peaceful and the firefish hang around him a lot. Have your tried to maybe get another clown and see if they get along?


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Several different gobies would do well with it, but i wouldn't go with a yellow clown gobie. They can be ornery little guys.


Butterfly Fish
He has another clown with him. He is a sebae clownfish and is probably about 4-5 inches. He is just fun to watch. He doesn't harm anyone. The other clown tries to play with him it is pretty awesome.