I've been up and running around two months now but over the last week I've had a manageable algae bloom(hair algae). The issue is that the algae is pearling and I'm accumulating a lot of either oxygen or nitrogen bubbles on my rocks. No big deal right? Wrong. I added a chocolate tang to the tank a week or so ago and he is doing great, as he eats well and is very active. This afternoon I noticed a small bubble inside my tangs right eye. I assume this is from the recent algal bloom super saturating the water. The other thing that I can think to do is to go dark on the tank for a few days to try to stop the bloom and thus reduce the amount of dissolved O2 in the tank. Any other thoughts? There's basically no way to catch a single tang in a 125 filled with LR for any kind of treatment. Even if I could catch him I don't see much on the web. I did read where if the O2 saturated in his system to the point of sending a bubble to his heart or brain it will kill him just about instantly. This is my fourth reef and have never heard of or had to deal with supersaturation. Anyone else out there seen this?