I need to move my 55 Gal corner tank in the next week or so to a different place across town. It has fish, some corals, and a 3-4 inch sand bed. Obviously I need to get the fish out and into a bucket so that I can transfer them across town. Is it important that I bag them individually or can I put all of them in a 5 gallon bucket? (2 clowns, blenny, small tang, dwarf angel, cardinal)
I'm pretty comfortable with being able to get the rocks and corals in a bucket with the saltwater in my tank to cover them, but my concern is regarding the sand in the bottom. With the weight of the tank and the sand it would be a lot easier if I could scoop out the sand into a bucket and put it back in once i've moved everything else, but I've read that this could be toxic. Does anyone have any experience with this?
I'm pretty comfortable with being able to get the rocks and corals in a bucket with the saltwater in my tank to cover them, but my concern is regarding the sand in the bottom. With the weight of the tank and the sand it would be a lot easier if I could scoop out the sand into a bucket and put it back in once i've moved everything else, but I've read that this could be toxic. Does anyone have any experience with this?