Tanks and light for sale.


Cleaner Shrimp
Hello, I have a couple of things I need to get rid of.

I have a 48" dual 250 watt metal halide with moon leds. One of the ballasts went out on it, thats really the only problem. I have three bulbs for it, two of them are only a couple months old. The other one has about 6-8 months on it. $50 for it.

I also have a 20 gallon long with stand, amiracle sump and overflow and a 24" T-5 to go with it. It also comes with a Rio 2100 return pump. $75

Also have a 57 cube with custom drilled overflow with two returns. It comes with a amiracle sump, light, and 2 different stands. The light is a 30" with 4 T-5's and a 250 watt metal halide. It comes with moon leds, and a built in fan. The ballast for the metal halide blew. $200

I also have a seaclone protien skimmer that I used for the 57 gallon. $25

Can't post pics unless you pm me and give me a number or email. All prices are O.B.O.